Risk Disclaimer

The sources of E-commerce law
- Canadian and international electronic commerce legal initiatives
- The jurisdictional issues associated with electronic commerce
- Electronic commerce codes of ethics and standards of practice
- Intellectual property rights associated with electronic commerce
- The principles of contract law and their application to online contracts
- Privacy law and its application to electronic commerce
- Advertising and sales promotion law and its application to electronic commerce
- Consumer protection rights in an online environment
- Civil and criminal liability in cyberspace
E-Commerce Management Toronto
Assess the impact of jurisdiction on businesses that engage in electronic commerce
- Assess the intellectual property content of Web sites
- Assess the enforceability of online contracts
- Evaluate Web sites with regard to legal and ethical standards on privacy
- Evaluate online advertising/sales promotion with regard to legal and ethical standards
- Evaluate Web sites with regard to consumer protection legal and ethical standards
- Apply the principles of tort and criminal law to electronic commerce activities
- Research current electronic commerce legal issues
- Work collaboratively with others in analyzing electronic commerce legal case problems
- Effectively communicate opinions and arguments orally and in writing
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Toronto SEO company
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